Sharing Your Gifts and Talents in the New Year
Sunday, January 17, 2016, 11:00AM (one service)
Ministry Day is an opportunity for you to participare in the vision that God has already given to the ministries of our church. We encourage you to contribute your time, talent and skills for God’s glory.
On Sunday, January 17th, we will hold Ministry Day, a chance for all of us to find ways to serve OUMC with our talents. A few of the many ways you may participate in ministry include:
- Being a greeter or an usher
- Teaching in or helping out with children.
- Youth and/or adult education programs.
- Food for fellowship.
- Working on church decorations.
- Being a volunteer in the church office.
- Visiting shut-ins.
- Many, many more.
Please take some time to pray and think about what God is calling you to do!
Please note that a potluck dinner will be held in Fellowship all immediately following the worship service.