What the United Methodists Believe
The Oxford United Methodist Church is a traditional, mainline church associated with the United Methodist Church denomination. The United Methodist Church does not require that its members subscribe to a closely detailed system of beliefs. However, its members share the following basic doctrines with other Christian denominations:
- The Trinity -- Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- both in personal experience and in the community of believers
- Salvation by grace through faith in Christ as Savior
- The universal Church
- The reign of God as both a present and future reality
- The authority of Scripture in matters of faith
- The essential oneness of the Church in Jesus Christ
What is Distinctive about a Methodist?
Methodists have traditionally proclaimed the following emphases:
- The availability of God's grace for all
- The essential unity of faith and works
- Salvation as personal and social
- The Church as a community of Christ's disciples who seek to share in God's mission
- The inseparability of knowledge (intellect) and devotion to religious practices as components of faith
- A cooperative ministry and mission in the world
- The link between Christian doctrine and Christian living
(The above based upon Thomas S. McNally, Questions and Answers About the United Methodist Church, Abingdon, Nashville (1995).
About the Oxford United Methodist Church
Oxford Methodists began worshiping at our current site in 1813, which makes us over 200 years old. Our current sanctuary building was constructed in 1875. The attached Education Building was erected in 1963. Located only two blocks from Miami University, many university students have found us to be a welcome church home during their college years. We also have a number of Miami faculty and staff in the congregation. Other members live in the city and have no connection with the university. Still others live in the agricultural areas surrounding Oxford.This breadth of background and experience leads to a diversity of theological opinion among congregational members. There is agreement, however, on the most basic issues regarding the Christian faith. We adhere to John Wesley’s dictum:
In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.
Our church has a long history of supporting missions and undertaking service to others at the local, national and international level. Congregational members are provided with ample opportunities to put their faith to work in many ways. We also strive to care for one another at the personal level, especially in times of need.
More Information
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